Do you ever wonder what mark you will leave on the world in your lifetime? How you’ll be remembered when you’re done and whether your impact is “enough?” I’ve been struggling with this lately – wondering what my true calling is in this world and if I’m fulfilling God’s plan for me and for my family. I look with HAPPY envy (I really believe there is such a thing) at my sister and my husband. They are two of the people I love MOST in this world and they really LIVE their passion every day. I love that about them, and I think each of them has already made a substantially positive influence in our world.
My sister (BB, Bridget, also Regan’s namesake and my life role model) works as an emergency room physician assistant, and she humbly serves her patients every day. God bless her, she’s been our family’s healthcare provider since BEFORE she even went to PA school. BB was just telling me her whole memory of our family’s life events is centered around medical events (my dad’s fall when he broke his leg in the 90s, my family’s bout with food poisoning, Regan’s heart surgery, etc.) She is patient beyond belief and can calmly and lovingly explain the most complex medical diagnoses. She is exactly the kind of medical provider you want when you walk into a hospital. BB has faithfully followed God’s calling and the world is better for her serving it in such a way.
My husband (Mitch, Mitchell, MFV, “Daddy”) has an engineering mind to a fault. If someone asked me what ONE thing I would bring to a deserted island, it would be Mitch so that I could blindly follow his lead as he designs and builds some kind of life raft to float us to safety. No doubt he’d learn how to spear fish with the pocketknife he always has on hand, too. Mitch has been an entrepreneur from childhood, when he and his posse started a turnkey lawncare business, hauling their lawncare equipment all over the Conyngham, PA valley. He has a business sense beyond his years and takes great pride in running arguably the CHOICE demolition and abatement contractor of our local hospitals. His work helps sustain the lifeblood of our community and I proudly work for him, knowing what an honest and loyal employer he is. Mitch is the guy everyone calls when they “need [insert literally any task here] done.” He is organized, methodical and strategic in his life approach, and it shows in the way he runs his business. Mitch leads our family in a similar way, daily following God’s purpose for him.
These two leaders in my life (in a good way) make me question how I am leading those around me? My proudest accomplishments are obviously Regan and Hank, and I think my desire to feel fulfilled beyond motherhood is driven by them. I’ve always felt like I am “good at my job,” but my feelings about work didn’t extend much beyond that. I have been seeking something about which I am truly passionate and can leave even a small mark on people’s hearts and lives. That’s part of the reason I started this blog! It provided gentle way of sharing my life with the world, so I feel compelled to share the latest venture with those of you who have shared the last couple years of my life in this blog!
After Hank was born, I wanted to retake the reigns on my health and fitness (have you already heard this story a million times?). First, I want to pause and say – isn’t the female body amazing? It can literally carry, birth and feed a child all on its own. ANYWAYS, I discovered a program called Faster Way to Fat Loss and essentially the name alone sold me. I won’t get into the details of the program with you, but it changed my life in a way that was about more than just weight loss (though that was a lovely benefit). I found a place as the leader in my family for maintaining our lifelong health. Mitch and I both have a history of exploring health trends, which I think has helped us tremendously in our knowledge of nutrition, but we have finally landed on a regimen that is sustainable and I’m SO proud of both of us that we have maintained our fitness level for over a year. In my lifetime, I have never felt so comfortable and proud of my health. With this discovery, I felt called to share it beyond the scope of my immediate family. This program limits the number of coaches they will train and open training only once or twice a year. I JUST (literally TODAY) found out I was accepted into their coaching training! I feel an inspiration in this new realm and feel proud that I get to be a leader in this program.
There is a part of me that is still very nervous to pursue this uncharted territory, so I hope my message inspires those of you who, like me, feel unsure of your calling in life. Is this it? I don’t know, but at the very least I feel it’s a PART of something I am truly passionate about: my family’s health and wellness. Thank you to my biggest cheerleaders for inspiring me on a daily basis – BB and Mitch. Love you both so much! I hope I can follow your example.